2 - Non-action (Wuwei)

All under heaven know that beauty is beautiful; thus ugliness is already [known].
All know good, thus bad is already [known].
Thus having and nothing are birthing each other,
Difficult and easy are becoming each other,
Long and short are comparing each other,
High and low are filling each other,
Tone and noise are harmonizing each other,
Front and back are following each other.
Therefore, a sage keeps to non-action to do his works,
And teaches by doing and not saying;
The myriad things all do not start,
Acting without presuming,
Work is achieved yet [the sage] does not dwell.
Only as he does not dwell,
Therefore this [the achievements] does not leave.


This chapter discusses non-action, or wuwei (無為):

  • Everything exists for us because of the existence of their opposites
  • In the same way, non-action is the opposite of action, existing as its counterpart
  • Non-action means to act without being pushy or conceited in your way being the best, to achieve without seeking praise or rewards - this is the way of a sage.
In dealing with things, "what can you do?" is not the only question, but also "what can you not do?" (This sensitivity to and recognition of the "non-side" of things is one of the characteristics of Daoist philosophy unseen elsewhere.)

From the view of cultivation also, it is important to harness the non-action as well as the action. In cultivation (and martial arts), many other opposing pairs are important as well, such as fire and water, hard and soft, movement and stillness, fast and slow, etc.

Also important is the distinction between "being" and "non-being" - which is used in cultivation of the elixer.


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